Care at Home and the Island Rehabilitation Practice are working in partnership to improve the overall quality of care and support delivered across the Isle of Wight; supporting people who require care and assistance within their own homes. The care and support available is to suit all clients’ needs whilst promoting their independence.
Care at Home is a growing domiciliary care agency, based at the Innovation Centre in Newport and was set up by James Westcott in 2013. Care at Home provides quality care and support for a wide range of clients with a variety of care needs. The Island Rehabilitation Practice (IRP) was set up last year by Occupational Therapists, Helen Maddox, Cindy Prince and Physiotherapist, Kristian Long. There are two arms to the service, the first is to provide teaching and training to care providers, the second is to provide private specialist Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy to people on the Island with long term conditions such as; Multiple Sclerosis, Acquired Brain Injury and Muscular-Skeletal conditions. The agencies came together in Autumn 2017. The purpose of this was to teach rehabilitation principles to improve the knowledge and understanding of existing care staff. This has provided them with a high standard of training which is needed to deliver the best quality of care to the client; ultimately enabling them to remain independent and in their own home, whilst achieving positive outcomes. I.R.P “Simple strategies and techniques can maintain a client’s ability to transfer, mobilise, wash and dress themselves and prepare their own meals. This requires training and an investment in staff becoming ‘enablers’ rather than ‘carers’. We have a dependency culture on the Island which needs changing – we are starting this shift in attitude by working with Care at Home to establish the role of the Rehabilitation Coach (RC). These are staff members who will work on client goal-led programmes set up by the health professionals within the Island Rehabilitation Practice. This has a significant effect on the wider economy in reducing admissions and re-admissions to hospital, reducing the need for clients to move into residential care as well as improving health outcomes”. To read more about the Island Rehabilitation Practice and whether their teaching and training modules would benefit your own organisation, go to: Care at Home “Working with the health professionals at the IRP, we can now devise a specific, person-centred maintenance plan to continue the clients progress, by building their strength and confidence whilst promoting their independence. As this service is delivered to the client in their own home this enhances their self-esteem and overall well-being, resulting in a more successful recovery. The training delivered by IRP to Care at Home has provided all staff with the knowledge and skills to deliver rehabilitation principles to our clients. They now better understand the importance of re-enablement in the community. We look forward to working collaboratively with them as we progress and shape our new role of Rehabilitation Coach. (RC)”. Care at Home is now recruiting and looking for creative, forward thinking staff who can set achievable goals with our clients, enabling them to live a safe and fulfilling life in the community whilst maintaining their independence. Ring the Care at Home Team on 01983 216400 or look at our website to find out more about the positions available. edit.